Funny Story

So a few months ago we went to check out the wedding venue in the Bahamas to make sure that it was going to be the best place to celebrate our wedding with you.  We had gone on a spring break trip to Nassau in the Bahamas a year before and thus considered ourselves experts on the local geography.  So we followed the same plan of flying into Nassau and then hoping to take a quick cab ride to our hotel to Freeport, which we assumed was somewhere in the vicinity.

As we were finally boarding our flight at JFK after a snow delay, we took a quick look at a map to see if that cab ride was going to be closer to 10 minutes or closer to a half hour; just to get an idea of how much traveling was left in the day.  Much to our chagrin, we saw the map below and realized that with current cab technology there was no way we were going to get across 130 miles of water in any reasonable amount of time.  There wasn’t even a (legal) ferry service between the two ports.

Due to more flight delays once we boarded, we were luckily able to book a flight from Nassau to Freeport.  But don’t test your luck.

Just Fly to Freeport.

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